Legal Disclosure
Code of Ethics
Accounting Complaint Procedures
The information included in the National Western Life Insurance Company web site is for informational purposes only. This material is intended solely to provide a general overview of the types of products and range of services available from National Western Life. The information included herein is not an offer to sell, or invitation to purchase, or invitation to inquire about any annuity or insurance product when any such offer to sell, or invitation to purchase, would violate the insurance laws of any jurisdiction.
The insurance and annuity products referenced on this web site have certain
restrictions, limitations, exclusions, and terms for continuing coverage. Some
of these products have market value adjustments, surrender charges on early
withdrawals, and a 10% federal tax penalty for withdrawals prior to age 59 1/2.
National Western Life Insurance Company does not authorize its agents or
employees to give legal or tax advice. Representations made in this web site
are based on our understanding of current tax law relative to the various
products described herein. For an explanation of how tax laws apply to you, we
suggest you consult with your attorney, accountant, or other tax advisor.
National Western Life Insurance Company has made every effort to ensure that
the contents of this web site are correct and complete. However, National
Western Life does not warrant the information contained in this web site.
In the future, National Western Life Insurance Company may link its web site
with other sites to which National Western Life has no relation and exercises
no supervision. National Western Life makes no representations as to the
accuracy of any of the information contained in such hyperlinked sites, nor
shall National Western Life be liable for users' reliance on any information
contained therein.
National Western Life Insurance Company is not licensed in New York. National
Western Life is licensed in the remaining 49 states and the District of
Columbia, several U.S. territories and possessions,as well as several foreign
For more information about the life
insurance and annuity products described here, please contact National Western